Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I think I'm a ghost sometimes
As if I'm as light as paper
And I just go where the wind blows me;
Sometimes I wish I would disappear
I think that's why I've become so faded
Because if you keep wishing for something hard enough
It can become your reality if you let it
So I let the wish fester beneath my heart
As if It a bad scab you never want to heal
So I just kept picking at it and picking at it
I nursed it between my rib cage
And my eyes drained of everything familiar to me
I deleted the girl I used to be
From all the pages that were covered in my soul dipped ink
Nothing was red because her veins bled black
And they crept through her body like black shadowed trees.
She wished so hard that she would just disappear
Along with everybody she used to know
But sometimes when you stab the monster inside,
All you end up doing is making it angry
Instead of killing it.
Maybe for Halloween this year I'll be a ghost
And I'll stop wanting to disappear
If I see how it is for a night