Friday, October 17, 2014

And I deleted you from my mind
When I deleted everything I once wrote about you
To be honest it broke me
And for the first time in forever I cried
I don't know what it was, 
but you begged me to remember you during practice on Tuesday
So I put on a smile and bad jokes to make my teammates laugh
Even though you we're the only thing on my mind
And when we were finally dismissed I ran to my locker
And I cried
Not just a couple tears;
I fell to my knees trembling with your name under my breath
As I clutched my knees to my chest.
You're gone now, completely.
I don't have any more of your voice mails,
Your number hasn't been working for over two years,
And I can't for the life of me, remember what your eyes look like
My god, I don't even have my writings about you anymore.